

Well Furnished library with books of world class authors of Ayurveda and Modern science, and other books related to medical science. The library has been setup keeping in view for the importance of it in a student & staff day to day life. Books are in abundance along with regular subscription of daily newspapers, journals, magazines for college students and staff.

Rules for Library

  • The students will be issued books on identity-cum- library card only.
  • Students can get 2 books issued at a time for a period of 7 days.
  • The students are not to spoil/tear or damage the books.
  • Silence and order must be maintained in the library at all the times. An infringement of this rule will be suitably dealt with.
  • The periodicals/journals, magazines & reference books will not be issued.
  • Any person who losses, defaces or damages a book shall be liable to pay the cost of book at current price at that time and in the event of the book being one of the set of series, the cost of whole set of series will be recovered if the single copy lost/ damage is not available.
  • Books, those required for occasional reference such as encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Atlases, yearbooks will not issued be from the library.
  • Issued books are not allowed inside the library.

  • Books will be issued strictly on the priority of demand.
  • During the annual stock checking in July all the books issued must be returned. A student who does not return the books shall have to pay double the charges.
  • Books may be renewed, on the request, at the discretion of the librarian.
  • Never write in books or cut pages out of them.
  • Return books/materials to their original location on the bookshelf.
  • Using of mobile phones is prohibited. Switch your mobile phone off and keep it in your bag, etc. while you are in the library.
  • Private conversations are not permitted. Even talking in a whisper or standing and chatting may be disturbing to others. Strictly prohibited from doing the above.
  • Refrain from leaving your baggage, etc. on library chairs/sofas, and avoid taking up two seats by sitting on one and putting your baggage, clothes, etc. on the other. Also, please be sure not to leave valuables unattended.